Investment in First-in-Class anti-viral drug development

Synklino is a Danish biotech company developing groundbreaking therapies for treatment of patients with chronic viral infections. The company is owned by renowned Nordic funds and institutional investors PKA Pension Fund, Eir Ventures, and Denmark’s Export and Investment Fund as well as approximately 70 private shareholders.

Financial year
1 January – 31 December

Financial calendar

Synklino has scheduled the following dates for the upcoming release of Annual report and Annual General Meeting. You will also find links to previous Annual reports.

22 May 2024:
Annual General Meeting 2024 followed by Publication of “Annual report 2023”

Investor relations

Please contact:
Carit Jacques Andersen, CFO
Telephone: +45 20 23 09 70


Download our 2023 Annual Report

Download our 2022 Annual Report

Download our 2021 Annual Report